Understanding Your Differences
Men are not all that complex in their needs, but
those needs are very intense. A man has a need for:
*Faithfulness: knowledge that the woman he loves
will never sell him out.
*Support and submission: assurance that his wife
will follow his lead without questioning every
decision he makes, especially in crises.
*Encouragement: sympathy, faith support, and
understanding - in good times, but even more in bad
*Importance: status and value in giving advice in
making plans.
*Respect: feeling that he is held in high esteem,
privately and publicly.
*A completer: someone to give him input for his
decisions, quiet admonishment about his flesh
patterns, and spiritual and moral support.
*A partner: someone with whom to share all his life,
for life.
Women are more complex. Their needs and desires
are numerous, but fluctuate. A woman has a need for:
*Better listening from her husband: interactive,
empathetic communication.
*Having her "petty" problems taken seriously: for
discussion of (and sometimes help in solving)
*More regular and more open communication: obvious
attentiveness and interest, both on facts and
feelings levels.
*Attention besides when he wants sex: feeling that
she's a love partner, not just a love object or
*Appreciation: thanks and gratitude for all she does.
*A real (or apparent) interest in her life:
curiosity about her day, beliefs, dreams.
*Demonstrated affection and courtesy in front of
others: enjoyment of and pride in being seen with
*Being a part of her husband's life: by sharing
goals and values with her, talking over business,
*Little remembrances: notes, gifts, or special plans
that say, "I love you."
*Quality time away from the kids: whether a weekend
away or a drive around the block.
*Inclusion in things he does: companionship in
events or wanting her involvement when he's away.
*Her husband's involvement in things she enjoys:
willingness to indulge, if not share, her favorite
*Understanding: trying to comprehend using intuition
and logic.
*Closeness: holding her in his arms, for protecting
*Tenderness: use of kind words and sensitive tones.
*Help with the children: in discipline, in training,
in presenting a united front.
*Verbal expressions of caring: compliments, praise,
*Acceptance of who she is as she is: permission to
be imperfect, affirmation of her appearance,
character, achievements.
*More family time: everyday attention, regular
outings, and vacations.
*Desirability: feeling like a special and feminine