In Association with

August 10, 2000

Two workmen at the clothing factory were laid off and went to the unemployment office.

When the clerk asked his occupation, the first man said " 'Panty Stitcher'. I sew the elastic onto cotton panties." Looking it up on her jobs list, she found that classed him as unskilled labor, so she gave him $300.00 a week in unemployment pay.

"What did you do?" the clerk asked the second man. "Diesel Fitter", he replied. Diesel Fitter was classified as a skilled job, so the clerk awarded him $600.00 a week.

When the first man found that out, he was furious and stormed back in to question the clerk. "He was paid twice as much," she said, "because panty stitchers are unskilled and diesel fitters are skilled labor."

"What skill?" yells the panty stitcher. "I sew the elastic on and he pulls on it and says, 'Yep, diesel fitter.' "

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