In Association with

Friday Fun 8
July 27, 2001

Loosing Weight

Two women were shopping, when they started to discuss their home lives.

One said, "Seems like all Alfred and I do anymore is fight. I've been so upset, I've lost 20 pounds."

"Why don't you just leave him then?" asked her friend.

"Oh! Not yet." the first replied,

"I'd like to lose at least another fifteen pounds first."

You've Bought a Lemon

Top Ten Signs You've Bought a Lemon of a Car

10. Your tinted windows are also known as Hefty Garbage Bags.

9. The car reaches its optimum speed when going downhill.

8. The hi-tech stereo system often requires a new needle.

7. The rear-view mirror says, "Objects in Mirror Are Better Than This Piece of Junk."

6. The odometer on the dashboard is not as sophisticated as the everyday abacus.

5. Traffic Watch warns other drivers what highway you're taking.

4. The sticker on the windshield says, "Batteries Not Included."

3. You fill up the tank with Unleaded Coals.

2. You can only go to restaurants that offer Valet Pushing.

And the #1 sign is...

1. When you approach hitchhikers, they put their thumbs down.

Where do you want to go today?

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