In Association with

Saturday Fun 7
December 30, 2000

The Priest's Collar

A priest was walking along the corridor of the parochial school near the preschool wing when a group of little ones were trotting by on the way to the cafeteria. One little lad of about three or four stopped and looked at him in his clerical clothes and asked, "Why do you dress funny?"

He told him he was a priest and this is the uniform priests wear. Then the boy pointed to the priest's collar tab and asked, "Do you have an owie?" The priest was perplexed till he realized that to him the collar tab looked like a band aid.

So the priest took it out and handed it to the boy to show him. On the back of the tab are letters giving the name of the manufacturer. The little guy felt the letters, and the priest asked, "Do you know what those words say?"

"Yes, I do," said the lad who was not old enough to read.

Peering intently at the letters he said,

"Kills ticks and fleas up to six months!"

The Three Hunters

There were three hunters, two smart ones, and a dumb one. The first smart hunter went out and came back with a huge grizzly bear.

The dumb hunter asked him "How did you get that huge Grizzly bear?"

The first smart hunter said, "I followed the tracks, went in the cave and shot the bear."

Then the second hunter guy went out and came back with a huge black bear.

The dumb hunter asked him, "How did you get that huge black bear?"

The second smart hunter said, "I followed the tracks, went in the cave, and shot the bear.

So the dumb hunter went out and came back all bloody and cut up.

The smart hunters asked, "What happened to you?"

The dumb hunter replied, "I followed the tracks, went in the cave, and got hit by a train."

Where do you want to go today?

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