In Association with

Tuesday Fun 1
October 16, 2001

Joey's Version

Nine year old Joey, was asked by his mother what he had learned in Sunday school.

"Well, Mom, our teacher told us how God sent Moses behind enemy lines on a rescue mission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

When he got to the Red Sea, he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge and all the people walked across safely. Then he used his walkie - talkie to radio headquarters for reinforcements. They sent bombers to blow up the bridge and all the Israelites were saved."

"Now, Joey, is that really what your teacher taught you?" his mother asked.

"Well, no, Mom. But if I told it the way the teacher did, you'd never believe it!"

According to statistics, last year over 17 million American families paid a lot of money for things that looked funny and didn't work.

Seven million of these were antiques; the rest were college students.

104 Years Old

One day, a little boy was sitting eating handfuls of candy.

A man walked up to the little boy and said,

"Don't you think you'd better slow down on the candy? You will spoil your dinner."

The little boy looked up at him and said, "I have a great-uncle who lived to be a hundred and four years old."

"Really?" said Bill. "Is it because he ate so much sugar?"

"No." said the little boy.

"He lived that long by minding his own business."

Where do you want to go today?

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