Experiencing God:
Knowing and Doing the Will of God
Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King,
LifeWay Press, Nashville, Tennessee.
Summary of Unit 2
Day 1
- To know and do the will of God, I must deny self and return to a
God-centered life.
- I must reorient my life to God.
- I must focus my life on God's purposes not my own plans.
- I must seek to see from God's perspective rather than from my own
distorted human perspective.
- I must wait until God shows me what He is about to do through me.
- I will watch to see what God is doing around me and join Him.
Day 2
- Do things God's way.
- God will accomplish more in six months through a person yielded to Him
than we could do in 60 years without Him.
- I am God's servant. I adjust my life to what He is about to do.
- Understanding what God is about to do where I am is more important than
telling God what I want to do for Him.
Day 3
- God's revelation of His activity is an invitation for me to adjust my life
to Him and join in His work.
- "I seek at the beginning to get my heart into such a state that it has no
will of its own in regard to a given matter."
- "I do not leave the result to feeling or simple impression."
- "I seek the Will of the Spirit of God through, or in connection with, the
Word of God."
Day 4
- God has not changed. He still speaks to His people.
- If I have trouble hearing God speak, I am in trouble at the very heart of
my Christian experience.
- God speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances,
and the church to reveal Himself, His purposes, and His ways.
- Knowing God's voice comes from an intimate love relationship with God.
Day 5
- The moment God speaks to me is the very moment God wants me to respond to
- The moment God speaks to me is God's timing.
- God develops my character to match the assignment He has for me.
- He has a right to interrupt my life. He is Lord. When I accepted Him as
Lord, I gave Him the right to help Himself to my life any time He wants.
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