Experiencing God:
Knowing and Doing the Will of God
Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King,
LifeWay Press, Nashville, Tennessee.
Summary of Unit 7
Day 1
- When God invites me to join Him in His work, He has a God-size assignment
for me.
- How I live my life is a testimony of what I believe about God.
- When God tells me what He wants to do through me. I will face a crisis of
Day 2
- When God speaks, my response requires faith.
- Faith is confidence that what God has promised or said will come to pass.
- Sight is an opposite of faith.
- Faith must be in a Person.
- Before I call myself, my family, or my church to exercise faith, I must be
sure I have heard a word from God.
- When God lets me know what He wants to do through me, it will be something
only God can do.
- What I believe about Him will determine what I do.
Day 3
- The kind of assignments God gives are God-sized.
- When God's people and the world see something only God can do, they come
to know God.
- Let people see the difference that a living Christ makes in a life, a
family, or a church; that will make a difference in how they respond to the
Day 4
- What I do reveals what I believe about God, regardless of what I say.
- What I believe about God will determine what I do and how I live.
Day 5
- Faith without action is dead!
- Genuine faith is demonstrated by action.
- God has planned something far better for people of faith.
- Don't grow weary in being faithful. A reward awaits faithful servants.
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