Experiencing God:
Knowing and Doing the Will of God
Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King,
LifeWay Press, Nashville, Tennessee.
Summary of Unit 8
Day 1
- When God speaks to me, revealing what He is about to do, that revelation
is my invitation to adjust my life to God.
- Adjustments prepare me for obedience.
- I cannot stay where I am and go with God.
- My greatest single difficulty in following God may come at the point of
the adjustment.
- No one can sum up all God is able to accomplish through one solitary life,
wholly yielded, adjusted, and obedient to Him!
Day 2
- God is interested in my absolute surrender to Him as Lord.
- I adjust to a Person.
- Adjustments are well worth the reward of experiencing God.
- The God who calls me is also the one who will enable me to do His will.
Day 3
- Obedience is costly to me and those around me.
- I cannot know and do the will of God without paying the price of
adjustment and obedience.
- I must adjust my plans and program to what God is doing.
Day 4
- My obedience is costly to those around me.
- I can trust God to care for my family.
- Don't deny others the opportunity to sacrifice for the Lord.
- I need to trust Christ to communicate with His people.
- Lord, whatever you may ask of me today or in the future, my answer is yes!
Day 5
- Obedience requires total dependence on God to work through me.
- "IT" never works! HE works!
- The key is my relationship to a Person.
- Through me He will do more in days and weeks than I could ever accomplish
in years of labor. Waiting on Him is always worth the wait.
- Fervent prayer will be one of the most demanding things I ever do.
- My church needs to be a praying church!
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