Experiencing God:
Knowing and Doing the Will of God
Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King,
LifeWay Press, Nashville, Tennessee.
Summary of Unit 11
Day 1
- I am a Kingdom person, and Christ is my King.
- To be related to Christ is to be on mission with Him.
- Every congregation is a world missions strategy center.
- Any time God has access to our church, He can touch the world through us.
Day 2
- God can do anything He wants with one person who believes Him and will
obey Him.
- God can cause my small influence to have far-reaching effects in His
- The Kingdom is worth everything.
- If I am faithful in a little, God will make me ruler over much.
Day 3
Day 4
- A church is a vital, living, dynamic fellowship of believers.
- Koinonia is the fullest possible partnership and fellowship with God and
with others.
- I cannot be in fellowship with God and His Son and not walk in godly
fellowship with other believers.
Day 5
- Everything each church possessed belonged by love to each other.
- Everything a church has belongs to the Kingdom.
- When Koinonia exists between churches, it will show in their
- When Christ is allowed to rule, man-made barriers will fall.
- The churches of the New Testament were interdependent.
- As my church experiences Koinonia with other groups of God's people, we
experience greater dimensions of God's presence at work in our world.
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