Experiencing God:
Knowing and Doing the Will of God
Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King,
LifeWay Press, Nashville, Tennessee.
Summary of Unit 5
Day 1
- If I do not know when God is speaking, I am in trouble at the heart of my
Christian life!
- God speaks to His people.
- That God spoke to people is far more important than
how He
- When God spoke, it was usually unique to that individual.
- When God spoke, the person was sure it was God.
- When God spoke, the person knew what God said.
- When God spoke, that was the encounter with God.
- If I do not have clear instructions from God in a matter, I will pray and
wait. I will not try to bypass the love relationship.
Day 2
- An encounter with the Holy Spirit is an encounter with God.
- I understand spiritual truth because the Holy Spirit is working in my
- When I come to the Word of God, the Author Himself is present to instruct
- I never discover truth, truth is revealed.
Day 3
- God's revelations are designed to bring me into a love relationship with
- God reveals Himself to increase my faith.
- God reveals His purposes so I will do His work.
- God reveals His ways so I can accomplish His purposes.
Day 4
- God speaks uniquely to individuals, and He can do it in any way He
- When God speaks to me, I will recognize His voice and follow Him.
- I cannot understand spiritual truth unless the Spirit of God reveals it.
- He is more interested in what I become than what I do.
Day 5
- When the God of the universe tells me something important, I should write
it down.
- Truth is a Person.
- Prayer is two-way communication with God.
- Prayer is a relationship, not just a religious activity.
- I need to make sure that my only desire is to know God's will.
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