Experiencing God:
Knowing and Doing the Will of God
Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King,
LifeWay Press, Nashville, Tennessee.
Summary of Unit 12
Day 1
- Koinonia is created and maintained by the Holy Spirit.
- Broken fellowship with a brother or sister in Christ indicates a broken
fellowship with God.
- Sin breaks Koinonia with God.
- Discipline and judgment of God are expressions of His love.
Day 2
- Koinonia with God is an experience of His presence.
- Koinonia with God is the basic element of salvation and eternal life.
- I must love God with my total being.
- I must submit to God's sovereign rule.
- Koinonia is possible only if a church is made up of individuals who are
willing to submit to the lordship of Christ in the body of Christ.
Day 3
- I must experience God in a real and personal way.
- I must trust completely in God.
Day 4
- Christians need each other.
- We must help each other learn to obey everything Christ commanded.
- Worship of God must be real and personal encounters with Him.
Day 5
- Your Spiritual Inventory.
- What God has begun in your life He Himself will bring to perfect
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