Experiencing God:
Knowing and Doing the Will of God
Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King,
LifeWay Press, Nashville, Tennessee.
Summary of Unit 9
Day 1
- I come to know God by experience as I obey Him and He accomplishes His
work through me.
- If I love God, I will obey Him.
- Obedience is the outward expression of my love of God.
- Faith that does not obey in actions is dead.
- Obedience is my moment of truth.
- God blesses those who are obedient to Him.
Day 2
- Obedience is doing what is commanded.
- I should obey what I already know to be God's will.
- When God sees I am faithful and obedient in a little, He will be able to
trust me with more.
- God often gives second chances.
- Sometimes He does not give a second chance.
- Disobedience is costly.
- God is interested in developing my character.
- Affirmation comes after the obedience.
Day 3
- When I obey God, He will accomplish through me what He has purposed to do.
- God wants to reveal Himself to me and those around me.
- I will be blessed when God does a special, God-sized work through me.
- I need to be very careful that any testimony about what God has done only
gives glory to Him.
- "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord" (I
Cor. 1:31).
Day 4 & 5
- I will allow Him to take all the time He needs to shape me for His
- Any assignment that comes from the Maker of the universe is an important
- God calls me to a relationship.
- I won't leave the relationship and take things into my own hands.
- Let Him work out the details in His timing.
- Know the ways of God so thoroughly that if something doesn't measure up to
God's ways, I will know it is not from Him and turn away from it.
- God will never give me an assignment that He will not enable me to
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