Experiencing God:
Knowing and Doing the Will of God
Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King,
LifeWay Press, Nashville, Tennessee.
Summary of Unit 4
Day 1
- Knowing God only comes through experience as He reveals Himself to me.
- I know God more intimately as He reveals Himself to me through my
experiences with Him.
Day 2 & 3
- Obedience is the outward expression of my love of God.
- If I have an obedience problem, I have a love problem.
- God is love. His will is always best.
- God is all-knowing. His directions are always right.
- God is all-powerful. He can enable me to do His will.
- All of God's commands are expressions of His nature of love.
- When God gives a commandment, He is not restricting me. He is freeing me.
- If I love Him, I will obey Him!
Day 4
- God is at work in the world.
- God takes the initiative to involve me in His work.
- God must take the initiative to open my spiritual eyes, so I can see what
He is doing.
- When I see the Father at work around me, that is my invitation to adjust
my life to Him and join Him in that work.
- God's revelation is my invitation to join Him.
Day 5
- A tender and sensitive heart will be ready to respond to God at the
slightest prompting.
- Pray and watch to see what God does next.
- Make the connection. Ask probing questions. Listen.
- God speaks when He is about to accomplish His purposes.
- What God initiates, He completes.
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