Experiencing God:
Knowing and Doing the Will of God
Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King,
LifeWay Press, Nashville, Tennessee.
Summary of Unit 10
Day 1
- When a church allows God's presence and activity to be expressed, a
watching world will be drawn to Him.
- A church is a living body of Christ with many members.
- A church is on mission with Christ in our world carrying out the Father's
redemptive purpose.
- God wants His people to be holy and pure.
- God wants His people to display unity.
- God wants His people to love each other.
- No one individual has the total vision for God's will for a local church.
- A church needs to hear the whole counsel of God through the Bible, prayer,
circumstances, and the church.
- Sharing what God is doing in my life may help someone else encounter God
in a meaningful way.
Day 2
- A church comes to know the will of God when the whole body comes to
understand what Christ--the Head--is telling them.
- Every believer has direct access to God.
- Individual opinions are not that important. The will of God is very
- A church must learn to function as a body with Christ as the Head of His
- A church must wait until God's time.
Day 3
- The Holy Spirit is the Gift.
- The Spirit of God always is present to equip me to carry out a divine
- A spiritual gift is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit at work in and
through a person's life for the common good of the body of Christ.
- The Spirit decides who to give assignments to, and enables spiritual
leaders and members to accomplish His work.
- God puts spiritual leaders and members in the body where He wants them to
- The body is not complete without all the spiritual leaders and members God
has given the body.
- Members of the body should have equal concern for each other.
- Spiritual leaders and members of the body have different assignments from
God for the good of the whole body.
Day 4
- Jesus is Head of the body.
- God is very concerned about the body maintaining unity.
- God-like love ought to prevail in the body.
- God decides where I ought to function in the body.
- I understand the will of God for my church when I listen to the whole body
express what they are experiencing in the life of that body.
- Each member is precious to God.
Day 5
- Right relationships with God are far more important than buildings,
budgets, programs, methods, church personnel, size, or anything else.
- God doesn't add members to the body accidentally.
- God builds the body to match the assignment.
- God builds the body, gives it an assignment, and equips the body to carry
out the assignment.
- I will pay close attention to the people God adds to my church.
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